AxisCAE Dynamics

The method of spectral elements.
Non-stationary tasks with high accuracy

AxisCAE Dynamics

The method of spectral elements

Non-stationary tasks with high accuracy

Seismic Modeling

Full-wave seismic modeling in 3D;

Direct transfer of 3D geological model from Petrel to AxisCAE;

Modeling of wave propagation processes for optimization of receiver and source locations of seismic waves

Generation of synthetic seismograms

Geomechanical Modeling Possibilities

  • Processing of seismograms, which allows to determine the structure and properties of the studied rocks;
  • Evaluation of potentially promising areas for drilling and stimulation in terms of cost reduction and risk minimization
  • Accurate forecast of oil recovery taking into account changes in porosity of rock permeability during drilling and operation  of the well.

Key Features of AxisCAE Dynamics

AxisCAE Dynamics Benefits:

Optimized Design Performance

- Improving security and ensuring cost reduction of drilling process

Reduced Risk and Increased Reliability

- Control of product material structure in the performance process

AxisCAE Dynamics

The method of spectral elements.
Non-stationary tasks with high accuracy

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