AxisCAE Professional

Nonlinear problems

AxisCAE - Professional CAE Tool in Dubai UAE

Nonlinear problems

Engineering. Package Features.

CAD Import & Edit

Any CAD format, direct editing capabilities

Mesh Generation

Automatic & manual, tet-, hex-, or polyhedral meshing


Best-of-breed solvers from each method

Post- Processing

Integrated 3D post- processing environment

Data Management

Manage simulation users, data, and processes in one place

Modern Cloud Infrastructure

Unlimited storage and computing capacity

Geomechanical Modeling Possibilities.

  • Optimization of tunneling routes by simulating the stress-strain state in the rock, taking into account the contact interaction of layers and thermal deformations.
  • Calculation of the probability of methane release during tunneling
    operations and formation of a map of the location of supports to prevent rock collapse.
  • Calculation of wellbore stability taking into account the redistribution of stresses in the rock during drilling.
  • Prediction of changes in rock permeability as a result of accumulation of deformations, taking into account fracturing, induced anisotropy and nonlinear effects in the bottomhole zone
  • Calculation of the stability of open pit walls during open pit mining

Key Features of AxisCAE Professional

AxisCAE Professional Benefits:

Unparalleled Accuracy

Leveraging advanced numerical methods and sophisticated algorithms, our simulations deliver precise and reliable results, even for the most complex scenarios

Intuitive User Interface

AxisCAE Professional's intuitive interface streamlines the simulation process, enabling you to concentrate on your engineering objectives without being hindered by software complexities.

Efficient Workflow

Leveraging powerful automation and streamlined processes, our solution enables you to save time, boost productivity, and accelerate your time-to-market.

AxisCAE Professional

Nonlinear problems

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